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Keep Track of Your iPhone’s Life with Statistique. Review and Giveaway!

If you use your iPhone as much as I do, it’s very likely that you like to keep track of everything it can do. You have badges enabled for every application, you jailbroke it to install additional tools like statusbar tweaks, you read guides about how to get the most out of it.

Now, there are many apps in the App Store that enable you to track various stats of the iPhone, but today I’d like to talk about an application I discovered last week and I’ve been using for a few days now: Statistique.

Statistique (developed by Patrick Chamelo of NSCoding) is a very simple and straightforward app which is made of 3 screens, Memory, Battery and Device. While the names are pretty self explanatory and wouldn’t require a further analysis, I’d like to show you these features anyway.

Memory is the first screen, and it lets you check how much memory you have in use. It’s divided into 4 sections: Free, Inactive, Active and Wired. This is gonna make the day of all you iPhone nerds out there.

Statistique iPhone

Statistique iPhone

Then there’s Battery. This is very useful in my opinion, as it shows many cool and detailed stats about the phone like remaining time on wi-fi and audio / video playback. There’s also talk time under 2G and 3G connections.

Statistique iPhone

Statistique iPhone

Last is Device, it displays the Model, Device name, OS version and UUID, the Universally Unique Identifier which is generally used for beta testing new applications. Indeed, there’s a button to quickly send the UUID via mail, and I really appreciate that.

And that’s it for Statistique. As I said, the app is simple and has one only feature, that of displaying stats, and it certainly does it well. Maybe it’s not as complete as other similar apps like iStat, but it’s got a simple, nice and minimal UI which many of you are gonna like. At $0.99, you could give it a try. [iTunes Link]


Patrick gave me 9 promo codes to give away to MacStories readers. Entering the contest is simple. All you have to do is:

- Follow me on Twitter (@storiesofmac) and tweet this message: “Win a Copy of Statistique for iPhone on MacStories @storiesofmac”


- Leave a comment here with the link to your tweet.

I’ll pick up the winners on Saturday, January 16th.

Good luck!

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